Saturday, June 7, 2008

Don't Step On A Duck!

Three young women in there thirties are on a road trip and are tearing down the freeway.
unfortunatley, they lose control, the car flips over the guard rail on to the opposite lanes and
gets smashed by an eighteen wheeler.

Up at the pearly gates, all three of them are greeted by St. Peter. He tells them. "All of you led
very good lives down on earth, so all of you will be asmitted into paradise. The only rule:

confused, they all ask "um...what?"

St. Peter says "if you step on one duck, it quacks. if a duck quacks, other ducks will start
quacking,'ll see."

With that, the gates opened and the three waltzed inside. And, sure enough, All of heaven is
covered with ducks. there is almost no room to walk with the millions of ducks.

a day of careful stepping later, the first woman steps on a duck. seconds later, every single
duck in heaven is quacking. it's so loud the women aren't suprised if earth could hear it. hours
later, when the quacking ceased, an angel appears with a very ugly man and chains him to the
lady and tells her this is her eternal punishment for the duck-stepping.

Not wanting the same fate, the other two women become very cautious for the next week, but
sure enough, the second lady steps on a duck.

she gets the same punishment as the first lady.

The third lady becomes so careful that, a year-and-a-half later, she is still duck-free. then, an
angel appears next to her with a very handsome man and chains him to her.

Thinking that this must be a reward for her good-doing she asks the man gleefully "What did I
do to deserve this?"

And the man replies with a grimace, "I don't know about you, but I stepped on a duck."

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